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118118 Money Team  •  July 30, 2023

As you grapple with the wild ride of work, family and inflation, the words "let's just order takeout tonight" might feel like a symphony to your weary ears. What if we told you that your seemingly innocent takeaway habit could be stealthily draining your wallet?  We lift the lid on the startling savings you can amass by simply swapping the delivery app for your own kitchen.

Setting the Scene

It's a typical Friday evening. After a week that rivalled a marathon, the fridge is stark and your energy levels are dwindling. "Pizza again?" you ask, scrolling through the takeaway options on your phone. It's a scene we've all played a part in, isn't it?

Image of hand picking up slice of pizza

But, before you confirm that order, have you ever paused to consider the financial impact of this seemingly innocent habit?

The Hidden Financial Fiasco

Take your favourite classic Margherita pizza. A piping hot large pie delivered from the local pizzeria will set you back about £20. Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? But let's do some number-crunching.

Suppose you roll up your sleeves and make that pizza at home with humble ingredients—flour, yeast, passata, and a bit of mozzarella. It would cost about £2.50. That's an eye-popping saving of over £17.50 on a single meal.

Now, let's zoom out a bit. Say you swap out one takeaway meal a week for a homemade alternative. That's a nifty £70 in savings per month, a whopping £840 per year. Multiply this across multiple meals, or days of the week, and suddenly, you've unearthed a gold mine in your kitchen.

Cooking at Home: Your Hidden Superpower

Alright, so you're not Nigella Lawson or Gordon Ramsay. Cooking at home might seem daunting, especially when you're already juggling a hundred different things. I was in the same boat. But when my husband lost his job in the pandemic and we were down to one income, takeaways quickly became an unaffordable luxury.

So, we braved the kitchen. Our first homemade spaghetti Bolognese was rustic, to say the least. Did it rival our favourite Italian joint's offering? Not quite. But the sight of our kids' faces beaming with pride—and the £17.50 we saved—made it worth every chop, stir, and simmer.

Family making sandwiches at kitchen island

Your Action Plan to Big Savings

Now, how can you join this home-cooking revolution? Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Start Small: Tackle simple recipes that mimic your favourite takeaways. Begin with a stir-fry or a basic pasta dish.
  2. Meal Plan: This fends off last-minute takeaway temptations. Plan meals using the same ingredients to avoid waste and increase savings.
  3. Batch Cooking: Make large quantities and freeze leftovers. It saves time and ensures you always have a 'homemade takeaway' at hand.
  4. Shop Smart: Buy in-season produce, compare prices, and consider economical alternatives like frozen veggies or canned pulses.
  5. Family Time: Turn cooking into a family activity. It's an opportunity for bonding, learning, and distributing the cooking load.

The Icing on the Cake

The perks of cooking at home extend beyond just financial savings. It's about creating memories and bonding over shared experiences. I remember when my daughter and I attempted our first apple pie. We were covered in flour, laughing at our clumsy attempts, but it was the most fun we'd had in a long time. And the best part? The £8 we saved on a store-bought pie felt like a victory.

Striking the Perfect Balance

We're not advocating for a total ban on takeouts. Life is chaotic, and sometimes, you just need a break. The key is to strike a balance. Replace one takeaway meal a week with a home-cooked alternative. And when you do order in, choose local, family-run establishments—you'll be supporting small businesses and often, they're cheaper than big chains.

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Just picture what you could do with all those saved pennies. Maybe they could fund that family holiday you've been dreaming of, or contribute towards your rainy-day fund, or perhaps even help clear a debt sooner.

It may seem like small change in the beginning, but remember, every little bit helps. The pounds saved today will soon add up to a hefty sum. So next time you're about to order in, pause, and consider: could this be a meal you cook at home?